SoundSysters is not only a way for us to work together and make a living with something we love to do. It is also a political project, as we want to pave the way for females/non-binary and trans people to get a foot into the sound world, and empower feminist structures with this!
We believe that the sound world still is a cis-male dominated place and therefore women, non-binary, and trans people face challenges. We also believe that working with sound systems, electricity, and loud music is very empowering for every one of us. It gives everyone the possibility to be loud and heard!
One idea is that we give workshops on how to set up a small PA so the way to make your own party/concert is less complicated. We also give dj*ing and recording workshops, so more women*, non-binary and trans people are empowered in making their own music.
Over 100 women, non-binary, and trans people have taken part in our PA-workshops. We are encouraging them to stick together and continue working with sound in a feminist way. We have our huge SoundSysters mailing list to forward call outs for help at political events with sound… and the network is growing!
By getting online with SoundSysters, our aim is also to give space and opportunity for other feminists to connect with us, with each other and to feel empowered by one another.
Contact us and join the network!
Here are some links to other feminist sound/light groups and contacts:
Electric Dress Light Crew Berlin
soundsysters nürnberg:
Big thanks to our supporters: